Our family surf package is a discounted group lesson for 2 parents and 2 children or 4 family members.  The lesson lasts for 1.75 hours.

An amazing experience for the whole family, whatever your various skill levels, you’ll have a day to remember and an exhilarating surfing experience!


The perfect start to surfing. The initial lesson will give you a clear introduction into the sport of surfing, covering the essential aspects of safety, board handling, wave catching, taking off and wave riding. Armed with this skill-set you are well equipped to ride your first waves.

The refresher lesson is designed for students who have had a go before, whether it was a year ago or back through the mists of time!  This lesson covers the key components of the beginner lesson, with view to refreshing your skill set and getting you back on the board like it was last week!

This lesson is designed for the recreational surfer or the surfer who has been having fairly regular lessons, who by no fault of their own has got stuck in a rut and no longer feels to be making progress.  This usually require fine tuning the surfers skill set, posture development, turning and control along with new achievable goals to push the surfer to the next level.

This lesson is designed for a surfer who has some experience of riding green waves. Core skills involved will be positioning and locating for green waves, paddling and different approaches to green waves, advanced take off, positioning, wave approach, speed generation and higher performance turns.

Advanced sessions are designed for surfers who want to take their surfing to the next level. It is aimed at the intermediate surfer who can consistently trim right and left across green faced waves in a variety of conditions. We tailor these sessions to the surfer / surfers needs in question. Working on advanced positioning and take-offs on / behind the peak, with a focus on advanced manoeuvres and positioning on the wave face. On request video analysis can also be used in conjunction with this level of tuition.

Waves Surf School Cornwall | Book a Surf Lesson Now
  • PRICING: £165 for up to 2 adults and 2 children for 1.75hrs
  • CALL US: 07792 574749